The joy of dunking

My 1931 edition of The Joy of Cooking (a modern reprinting of the original text; I am not made of money) includes a fun little slam against the King of Spain, as follows:

"Coffee Cakes
"Is there anything better than good coffee cake? I am told that the King of Spain 'dunks.' Perhaps that affords him some comfort."

What was the King of Spain up to in 1931 that so annoyed venerable authoress Irma von Starkloff Rombauer? (You think I am kidding? I am not kidding. Forget that she wrote the original JOC; moving through life with such an unwieldy handle was her real triumph.)

Ah, I have just Wiki'd. Apparently, Alfonso the lucky XIII was driven from his throne by the formation of the Second Spanish Republic in 1931. Wiki does not mention whether the former King's habit of "dunking" his coffee cake was a significant comfort to him.